Marco Alici Biondi


Exec­u­tive Search

Nord Est

Indus­tri­al Human­ism

Peo­ple Dis­cov­ery

My child­hood was fas­ci­nat­ed by the dream of becom­ing a her­mit: a para­dox, since my biggest pas­sions have always been rela­tion­ships and music. As an adult, I can say that my job is to cre­ate sol­id net­works.


Con­nect­ing and evolv­ing are the core of my job in Glas­ford: in my every­day activ­i­ties with­in the North-East sys­tem, I sup­port our clients in their devel­op­ment, gen­uine­ly rep­re­sent­ing their mis­sion, at both local and inter­na­tion­al lev­els.


My Bachelor’s Degree in Polit­i­cal Sci­ences and Inter­na­tion­al Rela­tion­ships and a Master’s Degree in Sci­en­tif­ic Com­mu­ni­ca­tion gave me the foun­da­tions on which I built sig­ni­fica­tive expe­ri­ences in HR con­sult­ing, with increas­ing respon­si­bil­i­ties. In detail, I coor­di­nat­ed teams involved in orga­ni­za­tion­al start-up projects for multi­na­tion­als and I man­aged teams focused on tal­ent acqui­si­tion, with a spe­cial focus on the strength­en­ing of dig­i­tal skills.


All these expe­ri­ences have been cru­cial: peo­ple, projects and com­pa­nies drew the path that made me a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Glasford’s “Peo­ple Dis­cov­ery” phi­los­o­phy, look­ing for a har­mo­nious sym­pho­ny for the com­pa­ny.