As a child, I was convinced that I would become an accomplished writer, author of timeless novels like Jack London and Jules Verne. However, as an adult, my skills of observation and analysis led me to write biographies instead, in order to make readers deeply understand individuals and what made their lives unique.
As Glasford’s Principal, I adopt the same approach in each new project: I commit to thoroughly understanding individuals and organizations, building relationships based on trust and collaboration. There are no pre-established recipes, but customized solutions that are suitable for the specific circumstances a company is facing and the objectives it aims to achieve.
I strengthened this belief over the years of experience in organizational consulting, where I have also been involved in designing training programs on digital and innovation topics. In these fields, the ability to devise creative and high-value solutions is crucial for standing out. My experiences with foundations promoting Diversity & Inclusion and Sustainability have further heightened my awareness of the importance of acting every day to improve the world around us.
I have never stopped writing or building relationships with the people and organizations I encounter daily. I believe in the importance of knowledge and dialogue to continue learning and enrich ourselves and those around us, so that together we can write the next page.